If you’re an entrepreneur or planning to start your own business, you’re probably wondering, how can I have a strong online presence? Sometimes, Social Media can be a little intimidating knowing there’s over a billion active users that could be possible clients for you, or knowing there’s other businesses similar to yours. How can you grab their attention? How can you stand out between all those accounts?

One of the most used platforms for promoting businesses is Instagram. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most popular in the Social Media world. However, how can you take advantage of this platform to drive traffic directly to your website? First, you need to create an Instagram account, if you already have one, convert it to a business account. In that way, you will be using all the useful tools that an Instagram Business account can offer, enjoying the 100% potential of your brand. But still, you need to know how to correctly use all these tools to get the party started!
Here are some steps that could help you grow your traffic from Instagram to your website in a friendly and easy way.

1. Link in Bio: Adding your link in your bio is one of the most classic and usual ways to grab attention from someone viewing your Instagram feed and wanting more details about your product or services. However, it is very important to keep your link updated, that way you’ll always be sharing your latest content. This is a great opportunity to share interactive, fun and interesting content to keep your followers attention and gain possible clients for your brand.
2. Swipe up Your Instagram Story: Instagram stories are a great way to keep your followers active with your content. It is also a fun way to keep followers informed about your website. One of the great things about stories are the option to swipe up to your link when you show something that catches your audience’s attention, which you can use to lead them to your site. Another option is to promote your website by including a CTA (call-to-action), this will encourage your followers to click on your profile and look at your link in the bio.
3. Instagram Ads and Lives: Instagram ads are a great way to lead possible clients or a specific audience to your website. In this case, it has to do with the CTA strategy where you add your link in your story or post that you’re promoting. Besides, Instagram contains different types of tools that will reach users who are more likely to be interested in your brand, increasing the chances of people clicking on your website. Another option is using Instagram Lives - these are free sessions and are a great way to promote your website. During a Live you could share a link in the chat and have a casual and direct interaction with your followers or future customers, creating more engagement with the brand and building a strong relationship with them. Also, you may save the video as part of your Instagram feed, so people can access to it anytime for 24 hours.
4. Instagram Shop: If you would like to promote your online shop, Instagram has an option where you may tag your products in your posts and stories. As soon as your followers click on your tagged product, they will be directed to your website and it is a great opportunity for them to see what other options you can offer them. This is an easy and effective way to lead your Instagram followers to your website.

5. Collaborations: Last but not least, creating partnerships with other businesses or influencers are a great way to reach more people, plus, both parties reap benefits depending on what they need. However, your partnerships should be somehow related to your products or services. They should have a similar target audience so that they will be more likely to visit your website.
With these 5 creative ways to use tools provided by Instagram, you will lead people from your Instagram profile to your website, increasing your website traffic and maximizing your potential reach. Don’t wait any longer! Start impacting your business with these strategies to watch your website grow, and enjoy!
Need more help? Spin Nest Marketing is here to help! If you are looking to increase your website traffic, reach out!
Sehl, K. (2019) How to get more leads on Instagram: 10 highly effective tactics. Hootsuite. Website: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-get-more-leads-on-instagram/
Barnhart, B. (2020) How to promote your Instagram: 13 ways that actually work. Sprout Social. Website: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/promote-your-instagram/
Boyarsky, K. (2022) 10 simple ways to optimize your website for lead generation. Hubspot. Website: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/optimize-website-for-lead-generation
Instagram Business (2023) Instagram Ads. Instagram. Website: https://business.instagram.com/advertising/
Newberry, C. (2023) How to use Instagram for business in 2023: 6 pro tips. Hootsuite. Website: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-use-instagram-for-business/